The Inbound Growth Blog: Inbound Marketing, Sales and Service

How to Write the Best Blog Post

Written by Josh McEwan | Aug 16, 2016

Have you ever started to read a blog post and then didn’t want to stop or wanted more of it? You start reading and immediately relate and connect with what the blogger is saying. There’s something about the way they write that clicks with you – that makes reading easy. That blogger has developed their own voice and style.

Blogs are often known for their casual writing and interesting material. When drawing in readers, you should tell your story and share how you feel. This will make your content stand out and make it more relatable. Aim to interact, inform, and inspire your audience every week (read this!).

An important tip is to develop a writing style and tone that just works rather than just technically writing well. Sometimes going out of your comfort zone will help you to create new ideas and challenge you to find new ways to communicate. Remember that a blog is a conversation. Try to write the way you speak; avoid clichés. It may be helpful to speak your ideas and have conversations out loud before trying to type it.

One of the best ways to develop your writing style and to consistently produce exciting content is to practice writing in different styles and voices. It may take some time to find your voice, but as they say-‘practice makes perfect’. (Check out how to improve your blog through practice!)

When an idea strikes, drop everything and write it down! Try to understand who your audience is. Engage with your readers and ask them questions. They will feel more comfortable and you’ll learn a lot from their answers! Try putting some time aside to write creative and quality content.

Finally, before you start blogging think about the blogs that you like to read. Pay attention to things like the length of posts, writing style, frequency and their breadth of topics.

An important thing to do once you have started your blog is to update, update, update! Blogs that update often are most likely to have more readers. Be prepared to spend some time working on it almost every day. Start paying attention to the parts of your life or business that are most interesting to you; those will likely be the areas your readers are interested in as well. Don’t be afraid to write about your mundane activities – stocking shelves or shipping orders. These simple tasks will make it possible for you to post more frequently and to make those posts more authentic. The key is to post often! Even if the posts are short.

Lastly, invite comments. An important part of blogs is that they feature the writing of the blogger as well as the comments of readers. The comment feature is an easy way to include your audience and get valuable feedback about what you're doing with your blog.

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