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5 HubSpot Tools You Should Start Using Immediately

Written by David Ward | Jan 27, 2020

Here are 5 easy wins you can implement right now to increase your ROI from HubSpot. From website chat, to prospecting, to smart content - these tools will supercharge your Marketing & Sales teams.

Website Live Chat & Bots

HubSpot has a single click button to turn on your website live chat, making it easy for you to take incoming requests and ensure they get to the right people on your team to handle them. Recently, HubSpot has added AI to their chat feature which doesn't require a programmer or a developer to help you create auto-response answers to frequently asked questions, saving you even more time every day. Website chat is a quick and effective tool to get leads the information and attention they require, ultimately increasing your chances of conversion.

Powering Your Entire Website

When HubSpot started out, it was mainly used for landing pages and blogs. What a lot of people don't realize is that it can also power your entire website. This provides tremendous value in that it helps you close the loop of your entire digital experience. Using HubSpot to power your website as a whole allows you to have full attribution on everything that comes into what you spent, and allows you to have visibility that your sales team can use to increase close rates.


Visitor Prospecting

Another awesome feature is Visitor Prospecting; often users don't even know this tool exists because it's buried so deep in their accounts. If you know how to get to it, it can actually tell you everything about the traffic that comes to your website, and identifies new visitors that you may not already be aware of and automatically pulls useful information about them. Your Visitor Prospecting tool can tell you if people are coming from a big brand, from a network, or from a certain location, and then potentially helps you to identify relevant prospects that are already on your website.

Smart Content

One of the greatest features of HubSpot is smart content; this is the content on your website or in your landing pages that automatically changes based on where people are from or what you might know about them. For example you can have different content offers or texts about a product if someone's from Canada versus the US. In addition, you can use smart content to switch up the graphics viewers see, as well as the titles of pages to make them appear more dynamic. Often underutilized, smart content is where a lot of the power of HubSpot exists, as you can customize your message to reflect what you know about the people visiting your website and what's important to them.

Scheduling and Booking Meetings

Lastly, another underused feature in HubSpot is the meetings and booking calendar tool, which you can use to streamline setting up meetings and events with your sales reps. Your reps or internal resources no longer need to waste time trying to schedule a meeting with somebody as this tool works to seamlessly organize meetings without requiring any additional attention by them. This tool allows your prospects to pick the time that works best for them and, by directly connecting with their Gmail accounts and/or using a round-robin process based on rules that you have previously set, sets up meetings based on mutual availability. By using the HubSpot scheduling and bookings tools, you can make it easier for prospects to get in touch with you and your team, while also keeping your staff on task by reducing the time required to manage meetings.