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Protect Yourself from Google Algorithm Changes with Inbound Marketing

Written by David Ward | Nov 09, 2020

Google algorithm changes can come suddenly and cause a lot of stress for you and your business. You may be worrying that you will lose organic rankings or that your SEO will become weaker. If you have experienced any of these concerns, you should really consider getting into inbound marketing, if you aren’t already. If you do inbound marketing right, it can shield you from Google algorithm changes. 

These changes may seem intimidating, but they are actually there for your benefit. The inbound marketing approach to creating content and to building your SEO is to do it in such a way that you are creating content that's valuable, relevant, interesting, and that people will actually read. Yes, the primary goal is organic rankings, but you want to do it the right way, so that your visitors turn into a lead and eventually a customer. 

When you take the approach of inbound marketing, and focus on providing value to your audience through your content, you end up creating content that Google likes, which causes your content to rank higher. Google’s goal with these changes is to help people find what they are looking for on the first page, with fewer clicks, and a lower bounce rate. As a result, when you create a blog post on a frequently searched phrase that nobody else has written about, Google discovers it and finds somebody who is looking for it, and places your content in front of them. 

Google filters out the bad content and the websites that are trying to trick Google into ranking them higher. Now that there are fewer search results, you have less competition to work with, which means that your business will rank higher. 

Google also sees that your content is authentic, and therefore will reward you with higher rankings rather than knocking you down. This also applies to social posts. If you’re using YouTube, and the titles of your video are relevant to the content of the video, and you have a good description, then these algorithm changes aren’t going to hurt you. The worst case scenario? Your ranking stays the same, but it will not hurt your ranking. 

This goes to show that creating authentic content with an actual purpose that brings value to people is worth your while. The only ones who need to fear algorithm changes are those who are trying to fool Google, because if you can’t fool Google, you can’t fool your prospects.