The Inbound Growth Blog: Inbound Marketing, Sales and Service

Is Inbound Marketing a Magic Bullet?

Written by David Ward | Oct 25, 2016

With everything in life, there is no magic wand that will make sales appear at your doorstep overnight. Inbound Marketing is a long-term play. You're going to see slow, steady growth as we build a repeatable system that compounds upon itself over time.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is one of the core components of Inbound Marketing. Inbound is also about earning the trust and interest of prospects through targeted content and marketing strategies – and this doesn’t happen overnight.

There’s a lot of research, planning, and strategy involved to make sure this is a successful endeavor with tangible goals. Inbound works best with a website built for Inbound – so we may need to address various items on your website, or in some rare cases redesign it, to ensure the success of your Inbound Marketing campaign.

Finally, we try to drive every strategic decision using real data to back up our ideas instead of a shotgun approach. Good data takes time to collect; it usually takes over 10,000 visits to reach a statistically significant sample size. If you don’t see that kind of traffic every week – don’t worry – we’ll still be able to make good data-based decisions.

Building a lead generation machine through Inbound Marketing is similar to training for a marathon. It doesn't happen overnight, but the long term benefits are undeniable.

Next time we'll try and answer how long it takes to see results with a bit more specificity.