The Inbound Growth Blog: Inbound Marketing, Sales and Service

Is Rehab Marketing Doomed to Fail Without Combining SEO & Content?

Written by David Ward | Apr 12, 2016

CEO’s and Marketing directors of every addiction treatment center know that a key factor in keeping their beds full is to drive as much traffic as possible to their websites. An increasing number of patients seeking treatment for addictions will find a facility directly through their website.  In addition, patients that are referred from other methods to the center will most certainly check out the website before making their decision on where to obtain services. So having a robust online marketing presence is more important that ever.In the recent past, a robust online presence meant buying Google Ads and performing SEO, however the online marketing environment has significantly changed since then. While Google Ads and certainly SEO still play key roles, they have been joined by other as equally important factors such as content marketing and social media. In this new paradigm, it is no longer to think of your online marketing just as “get more visits to the website.” A successful online marketing presence takes into the consideration the integration of all of these factors.

Google Ads can be costly, but if used effectively can bring potential clients to your site. But what do they see there? Are your Google Ads links bringing them to the basic home page, or are you customizing landing pages and bringing quality content based on that AdWord? As the algorithms for SEO have evolved, it is clear that major search engines are valuing quality content and poor content is being punished. Likewise, to produce quality content, using Google Ads and SEO principles will help guide facilities on what topics to cover and how to structure their content to get noticed. Producing great content is worthless if you don’t use good SEO to get it seen. It is also true that great content is the foundation of social media. You will lose your followers if you don’t give them content that is valuable to them.

So as you can see, in our opinion, the answer to the question is: Yes, Rehab marketing that does not combine SEO and Content is doomed to be drowned out by the competition. The elements of an online marketing presence have to be integrated to achieve results that will get a facility noticed and generate clients.