The Inbound Growth Blog: Inbound Marketing, Sales and Service

PPC Landing Pages: Learn How to Get Amazing Conversions

Written by Eric Melillo | Dec 12, 2019

Inside your PPC marketing strategy, the landing page is arguably the most important component of your conversion process. Effective landing pages will not only boost lead conversions but help you gain competitive advantage.

What is a PPC Landing Page?

A PPC landing page is a dedicated web page used as the destination of a pay-per-click campaign for Google Ads, Facebook Ads, or similar. It's typically free of distraction and focused on a single conversion tactic.

Here, we’ll discuss PPC landing page best practices and the secrets for higher conversion. These landing page optimization tricks and tips will help your business unlock its campaign potential.

Geographic Specificity

PPC landing pages that contain geographic elements have serious conversion potential. For example, you can use a city-specific landing page to complement your regional marketing campaign. This helps the visitor feel as if you’re a local business – even if you’re not!

Another technique for localizing your landing page is to use a phone number with a local area code instead of a generic 800 number. You also can use geographically specific ad copy and even include images of local areas on the page.

Dynamic Text Replacement

What if your landing page revealed exactly what the visitor was searching for? With dynamic text replacement, it’s possible. This method involves swapping out the text from your landing page with keywords from your marketing campaigns.

Dynamic text replacement blends PPC landing pages and SEO to create a personalized shopping experience for the visitor. With just a few minor changes to your PPC campaign URLs, you can make just one landing page accommodate hundreds of keywords. The super-relevant PPO landing can show the visitor how your products and services can meet his or her needs.

Crash Course to Great Landing Pages

Multi-Step Landing Pages

Many PPC marketing experts recommend reducing the number of form fields, which can help increase conversion rates. However, there is a way to add more fields while still improving conversion: Multi-step landing pages. This landing page optimization technique involves asking the visitor for a little information initially, then progressively asking for more.

You can start by asking the visitor simple, easy-to-answer questions, then progress to more complicated queries. These micro conversions make it more likely for the visitor to share his or her name, phone number, or email address.

Call to Actions

One mistake many businesses make is using the same landing page call to action on all their PPC traffic. They may utilize the same message in their social media, videos, display network, or even on their search page results. This doesn’t always work because different types of traffic have different levels of intent.

For example, people visiting your website via search may be very close to converting. They’re using specific keywords and have an idea of what they’re looking for. However, a visitor who has arrived at your page through the display network may require more information.

If your analysis has shown that a certain PPC channel isn’t producing conversions, consider varying your landing page call to action. Sometimes, changing the offer can make a big difference.

Local Visuals

Earlier in the article, we discussed how utilizing geographically specific phone numbers and headlines can help the visitor feel at home. In addition to those practices, you can also incorporate local images on your landing page. These might include popular local landmarks or other points of interest in the city.

Another technique is to use a “hero shot,” which demonstrates how your product or service works. You can add local elements to this image as well, increasing familiarity and trust with the visitor. When creating your landing page, you can split your PPC traffic based on geography so that visitors are funneled to the appropriate local page. While this does require a bit of work, the payoff is immense.

Optimize Your Landing Pages with These 5 Effective Tips

Hidden Fields Sales Tracking

Many PPO marketers bid on multi-intent keywords, which might bring you leads or demos, but don’t turn into sales. When added to PPC landing pages, hidden fields can capture important lead information, which could include:

  • The keyword the visitor typed
  • What device the person was using (cellphone, computer, etc.)
  • Which landing page URL caused the conversion
  • Which geographic location the visitor is in

With this additional information, you can analyze your PPC accounts to learn which keyword caused the lead, and which keyword led to a sale. This data shows you which keywords have the highest closing rate. Ultimately, hidden fields sales tracking allows you to achieve higher volumes of the right type of conversions.


While PPC landing pages and SEO testing can be complex, it’s made simpler by the few tricks above. With these strategies, you can create customized landing pages that result in better marketing experiences. You can increase conversions and enhance the buying experience for your customers.