The Inbound Growth Blog: Inbound Marketing, Sales and Service

How to Easily Fix the 5 Most Common Blogging Mistakes (DIY)

Written by Eric Steiner | Jun 02, 2019

Blogging for Business

Remember, blogging with purpose and frequency should be part of your ongoing content marketing strategy. So, be mindful of your audience and avoid making costly mistakes.

1. Poor Grammar

Prospects can interpret typos and grammar mistakes in your blog content as a sign of unprofessionalism. As blogging mistakes go, typos and grammar mistakes are a BIG "No-No". So, carefully construct your blog posts. No one will stick around content that's littered with misspellings.

Thoroughly proofread your content before it's posted live. Customers are very reluctant to trust companies that don't pay attention to the quality of the content they post.

We use ProWritingAid to help us as we're composing new blog posts. It's an absolute lifesaver! It runs as a free browser extension and informs you of typos & grammar suggestions as you type inside your post editor...just brilliant!

2. Not Capture Leads

Don't miss out on opportunities to convert prospects into new leads by including calls to action and other conversion points. Not offering a way for prospects to gain additional insight can cause lost leads.

Conversion points, such as the opportunity to download an eBook, encourage prospects to take advantage of the chance to delve deeper into a subject. The more you can spark the interest of prospects, the greater the chances of converting them into new leads.

3. Not Using Rich Media

Blogs that include visual content have a better chance of maintaining a visitor's attention for longer. Image content helps break up long text segments and create visual appeal. Don't go overboard, though! Content that has too much going on visually is just as bad as boring walls of text.

4. Not Enough Substance

I definitely get it. You're pressed for time trying to turn out another blog post. Then, carving out time to write a thousand words or more about a relevant topic today will require lots of effort. So, you squeeze out a 400-500 word post.

That’s probably one of the biggest blogging mistakes I see. Unengaging, poorly researched, short-form content with no real purpose. Why would anyone think their little 400-word post could ever outrank the 3,833-word beast of an article ranking #1 in Google?

I'll let you in on a little secret... long-form content works. Neil Patel says it generates more than 9x more leads than short blog posts.

So, how long should your posts be? Well, it depends on your situation and your audience. When we're building out our topic clusters, we find our average subtopic blog posts are just around 1,200 words or a 5-minute read, and we really don't consider that “long-form.”. Our core topic posts can range between 2,500 - and 4,000 words, which we feel is the sweet spot for our pillar strategy.

5. Not Writing for Your Target Audience

Make sure your blog avoids gimmicks designed solely for the purpose of increasing website traffic hits. 'Clickbait' is a prime example of these types of gimmicks.

Remember that your target audience visits your blog for the purpose of learning more about what your business can offer them, not to catch up on the latest Hollywood gossip or to read about the amazing benefits of apple cider vinegar. Keep your blog focused on providing prospects with the information they want about the products and services they need.

Your Turn

Avoid beginner blogging mistakes and build a blog that attracts new visitors with a reduced bounce rate. With a little effort and an eye for details, your blog can offer visitors great content that gets read and shared.

These five tips for a great blog will help you create professional, compelling content that customers will find interesting and informative.