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Company Fusion: A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Merge Companies in HubSpot

Written by Summer Osborne | Nov 22, 2023

Merging companies within HubSpot can, at times, feel akin to untangling a colossal knot comprised of data strands and intricate processes. You're not alone if you find yourself balancing the multifaceted challenge of bringing different entities together under one CRM roof.

With an impressive roster of over 135,000 customers on its platform, HubSpot is a pivotal tool for successful business integrations. This guide is crafted to methodically walk you through each step, helping you merge companies in HubSpot with fluid precision—turning potential chaos into consolidated strength.

Key Takeaways

  • Merging companies in HubSpot offers tidier and more manageable data, enhanced teamwork, and precise insights for more intelligent business decisions.
  • Before merging companies, ensure accurate and organized data and assess compatibility and goals to facilitate a smooth integration process.
  • The step-by-step guide includes accessing the company dashboard, selecting and merging companies, reviewing and confirming data, cleaning and organizing data for accuracy, involving team members in the merger process, updating associated records, and addressing potential challenges early on to ensure a smoother transition.
  • Understanding the impact of merging on data is vital for maintaining reporting integrity. It requires handling duplicates effectively through proper organization before initiating the merge.

The Benefits of Merging Companies in HubSpot

Merging companies in HubSpot can be a game-changer. It helps keep your data tidy and easy to manage. When you combine corporate entities, it cuts down the clutter.

Think of it like cleaning up a messy room—suddenly, everything is easier to find! You also save time because you don't have to jump between records looking for information.

Another big plus is how well teams can work together after a merger. With all the customer details in one place, everyone has what they need at their fingertips. This means better service for customers and smoother teamwork inside the company.

And let's not forget about reporting; when your data is unified, you get clearer insights to make smarter business moves!

Before Merging: Preparation and Assessment

Ensure accurate and organized data to avoid any issues during the merging process. Determine compatibility and goals of both companies to ensure a smooth integration.

Ensure accurate and organized data

Having your data right is like tidying your desk before a big project. You want all the company information in one place and easy to find. Check that names, addresses, phone numbers, and emails are correct.

If things match up well, you won't have headaches later when you try to put two companies together in HubSpot.

Think of it as sorting out puzzle pieces before putting them together. Go through each company's details with care. This way, when it's time to merge records or consolidate companies in HubSpot CRM, the process will be smooth sailing.

Keeping track of all those little bits of info now means less trouble making sure everything works out later on during the company fusion!

Determine compatibility and goals

Before you merge companies in HubSpot, make sure they fit well together. Look at what each business does and see if their goals match up. This is like checking if puzzle pieces can connect before putting them together.

Think about why you are joining the companies. Maybe you want to grow your sales or bring two teams into one.

You also need a clear plan for after the merger. Set goals that both sides agree on. These targets can help everyone work toward the same thing. It's important because it keeps your team focused and moving forward after the merger.

Merging Process: A Step-by-Step Guide

Access the company dashboard by navigating the "Companies" section in HubSpot and selecting the companies you want to merge. Then, review and confirm the data before finalizing the merging process.

Accessing the company dashboard

To access the company dashboard in HubSpot, go to the main navigation menu and click "Contacts." Then select "Companies" from the dropdown menu. This will lead you to the company dashboard, where you can view and manage all the companies in your database.

You can customize the dashboard by adding or removing specific fields to suit your needs, such as merging contacts, deals, tickets, and custom object records. Utilize this feature for streamlining and unifying company data during business consolidation or mergers and acquisitions.

Remember: Properly preparing and organizing data before accessing the company dashboard is crucial for a successful merger process in HubSpot. By ensuring accurate and organized information beforehand, you'll be better equipped to merge companies seamlessly without any hitches down the line.

Selecting and merging companies

First, go to the company dashboard in HubSpot. Find and click on the "Companies" tab to access the list of companies. Then, select the companies you want to merge by checking the boxes next to their names. After that, click on the "Merge" button at the top of the list to initiate the merging process. Review and confirm the data associated with these companies before finalizing the merger. Once you are sure about merging these companies, proceed with the confirmation to complete the process.

Looking to optimize HubSpot for your business? Learn how to improve here

Guidelines for Successful Company Mergers

Clean and organize your data to ensure accuracy and consistency. Inform and involve team members in the merger process to create buy-in and collaboration. To maintain continuity, update associated records, such as contacts, deals, and tickets.

Address potential challenges by identifying and mitigating any risks before they become problems.

Clean and organize data

As a marketer or business professional, cleaning and organizing data before merging companies in HubSpot is crucial. Here are the steps to ensure your data is ready for the merger:

  1. Eliminate duplicate records: Identify and remove duplicate contacts, deals, tickets, and custom object records to avoid confusion and inaccuracies after the merger.
  2. Update outdated information: Ensure all contact and company details are current and accurate to provide a clear picture of each entity involved in the merger.
  3. Standardize data format: Ensure all data is uniformly formatted across both companies to streamline the merging process and prevent inconsistencies.
  4. Validate data integrity: Verify the accuracy and completeness of all data within your CRM system to maintain reliable information for reporting and analytics post-merger.
  5. Segment data effectively: Organize your data to specific categories or segments based on relevant criteria such as industry, location, or customer type to facilitate targeted marketing efforts post-merger.
  6. Backup data: Create backups of your company's data before initiating the merging process to safeguard against any potential loss or corruption of information during the transition.

Inform and involve team members

To ensure a successful company merger in HubSpot, it is important to inform and involve team members. Here are the key steps to follow:

  1. Communicate the decision to merge companies transparently with all team members.
  2. Provide clear information about the merger process and its potential impact on their roles and responsibilities.
  3. Encourage open communication channels for team members to ask questions and share concerns.
  4. Seek input from relevant team members to gather insights and perspectives on the merger process.
  5. Involve employees in implementing post-merger plans and strategies, leveraging their expertise for a smoother transition.

Update associated records

To maintain data accuracy during company mergers in HubSpot, it's crucial to update associated records. Here are the key steps:

  1. Update Contact Records: Ensure all contact information is merged and updated accurately.
  2. Update Deal Records: Consolidate and update all deals related to the merged companies.
  3. Update Ticket Records: Merge and update any tickets associated with the merging companies.
  4. Update Custom Object Records: Ensure that custom object records are appropriately unified and updated for consistency.

Address potential challenges

Merging companies in HubSpot can come with some challenges. It's important to anticipate and address these potential issues, such as data inconsistencies, conflicting goals, and resistance from team members.

Ensuring that all data is accurate and organized before the merger, communicating transparently with the teams involved, and updating associated records promptly are crucial steps to mitigate these challenges.

By proactively identifying and addressing potential obstacles during the merging process, we can ensure a smoother transition and successful integration of the merged companies' data.

Understanding the Impact of Merging on Data

Merging companies in HubSpot can have implications for reporting and analytics, requiring a careful approach to handle duplicates and overlaps and ensure the accuracy of the combined data.

Implications for reporting and analytics

Merging companies in HubSpot can have significant implications for reporting and analytics. It consolidates data, providing a more comprehensive view of customer interactions. This streamlined data enables better insights and decision-making to drive business growth.

However, addressing duplicates and overlaps after merging is crucial to ensure accurate reporting and analytics.

Understanding the impact of merging on data is vital for maintaining the integrity of reporting and analytics. Businesses can derive meaningful insights from their unified dataset by handling duplicates effectively.

Handling duplicates and overlaps

When dealing with duplicates and overlaps during company mergers in HubSpot, cleaning and organizing your data beforehand is crucial. Utilize the merging features in HubSpot to identify and merge duplicate contacts, deals, tickets, and custom object records.

This ensures that your data remains streamlined and accurate, preventing confusion and inefficiency down the line. Additionally, regularly performing data audits will help you address any potential overlaps or discrepancies as soon as they arise.

Addressing duplicates and overlaps is essential for maintaining the integrity of your merged data in HubSpot. By taking proactive steps to clean up redundancies and inconsistencies, you can ensure a smooth transition and accurate reporting for your newly unified companies.

Communicating the Merger to Customers and Partners

Craft a clear and timely message to customers and partners about the merger, addressing any potential concerns they may have.

Crafting a clear and timely message

Crafting a clear and timely message is crucial when communicating the merger to customers and partners. Being transparent about the changes and how they will impact them is essential.

Use simple, jargon-free language to ensure clarity for everyone involved. Address potential concerns upfront and reassure them how the merger will benefit them.

Ensuring that your message is timely also plays a vital role. Keep all stakeholders informed throughout the process to avoid any confusion or misinformation. Utilize different communication channels such as emails, social media, and direct conversations to reach customers and partners effectively.

Addressing potential concerns

Addressing potential concerns when merging companies in HubSpot is crucial for a successful transition. It's important to anticipate and address any issues arising during the merger process.

Clear communication about the merger with employees, customers, and partners can help alleviate concerns and maintain trust. Additionally, proactively identifying and resolving any data discrepancies or inconsistencies can minimize disruptions and ensure a smooth integration.

By addressing potential concerns head-on, businesses can navigate the merger process more effectively and maintain positive relationships with all stakeholders.

Common Mistakes to Avoid During Mergers in HubSpot

Failing to prepare data adequately can lead to errors and inconsistencies in the merged company records. Communicating with team members about the merger is crucial for a smooth transition, while overlooking associated records can cause problems.

Not adequately preparing data

Failing to properly prepare data before merging companies in HubSpot can lead to chaos. Inaccurate or disorganized data can create confusion and errors throughout the merging process.

This oversight can result in duplicated or missing information, affecting reporting and analytics after the merger.

To avoid these problems, ensuring that all data is accurate, consistent, and organized before initiating the merge is crucial. By tidying up your data beforehand, you'll streamline the merging process and minimize potential complications down the road.

Overlooking associated records

Don't forget to update associated records when merging companies in HubSpot. This includes contacts, deals, tickets, and custom object records. Overlooking these associated records can lead to data discrepancies and confusion.

Keep your corporate databases clean and organized by accurately merging and updating all related information.

Maintaining the integrity of your data is crucial for successful company mergers. By coalescing business information and unifying company records, you streamline the merger process and pave the way for a seamless integration strategy.

Best Practices for Maintaining Merged Data

Perform regular data audits, utilize HubSpot's merging features, and conduct team training to maintain merged data successfully. Want to learn more about how to merge companies in HubSpot effectively? Keep reading for valuable insights and tips!

Performing regular data audits

Regularly perform data audits to ensure the accuracy and cleanliness of our merged company data. Here are some critical steps to follow:

  1. Schedule periodic data audit sessions to review merged data for inconsistencies or errors.
  2. UseHubSpot's 'emerging features to identify and address duplicate or redundant information.
  3. Implement standardized procedures for data entry and maintenance to uphold data integrity.
  4. Coordinate with team members to verify and update merged databases on evolving business needs.
  5. Utilize analytics tools to monitor the quality and usefulness of merged data in driving business decisions.

Utilizing HubSpot's merging features

To utilize HubSpot's merging features, start by accessing the company dashboard and selecting the companies you want to merge. Review the data carefully and confirm before finalizing the merge.

Clean and organize your data thoroughly to ensure a successful merger. Regularly perform data audits, use HubSpot's tools, and conduct team training to maintain merged data effectively.

Keep all associated records updated throughout the process to avoid potential challenges like duplicates or overlaps. This will not only streamline your company merger but also ensure accurate reporting and analytics in the future.


In conclusion, merging companies in HubSpot offers numerous benefits for business growth and efficiency. Proper preparation and assessment before the merger are crucial for a smooth process.

Following the step-by-step guide and implementing best practices can help avoid common mistakes during mergers. Clear communication with customers and partners is vital, as well as maintaining merged data for long-term success.

Click here to learn more about HubSpot marketing.


1. How can I merge duplicate companies in HubSpot to maintain a clean CRM?

    • Navigate to Companies: Go to the "Companies" dashboard in your HubSpot account.
    • Identify Duplicate Companies: Use filters or search functionality to identify duplicate companies with similar or identical information.
    • Select and Merge: Choose the companies you want to merge, click "Actions," and select "Merge." Follow the prompts to complete the merging process.
    • Review and Confirm: HubSpot will provide a preview of the merged information. Review it carefully and confirm to merge the selected companies.

2. Can I undo a company merge in HubSpot if needed?

Yes, HubSpot allows you to undo a company merge within a specific timeframe. After merging companies, you'll see an option to "Undo" on the success confirmation screen. Clicking this option will revert the merge, restoring the original companies to their pre-merge state. However, the ability to undo a merge is time-sensitive, so act promptly if needed.

3. What happens to associated data when merging companies in HubSpot?

When you merge companies in HubSpot, the platform consolidates data from the duplicate companies into a single, primary company record. Here's what happens to associated data:

  • Properties: Data from both companies is merged, with conflicting information resolved based on certain rules.
  • Deals and Tickets: If the companies have associated deals or tickets, these records are also merged.
  • Contacts: Contacts associated with the merged companies are linked to the primary company.

4. Are there any considerations or best practices for merging companies in HubSpot?

When merging companies in HubSpot, it's essential to consider the following best practices:

  • Review Data Carefully: Before merging, review the data of the duplicate companies to ensure accurate consolidation.
  • Choose the Primary Company: Designate the company that should serve as the primary record. This is the company that retains the merged data.
  • Communicate Changes: If the companies are associated with sales or customer service teams, communicate the merging process to ensure everyone knows the consolidated information.
  • Regular Audits: Conduct regular audits to identify and merge duplicate companies, maintaining the integrity of your CRM data.

By following these best practices, businesses can keep their HubSpot CRM clean and ensure that their teams are working with accurate and up-to-date company information.