The Inbound Growth Blog: Inbound Marketing, Sales and Service

Increase Your Conversions with These Free Downloadable CTA Buttons

Written by Ally Bootsma | Apr 27, 2018

When it comes to your marketing KPIs, nothing is more important in your digital campaigns than spurring visitors to action and generating those sweet leads. You probably already know just how vital calls-to-action (CTAs) are and the devastating consequences when they don’t convert visitors into leads. This when you need to step-up and lead your team towards better CTA design and execution.

So, how can you do this? When you’re strapped for time and resources, building custom CTAs from scratch is likely a no-go. This is why we’ve put together an easy to adjust series of calls-to-action (CTAs) that you can download today. These CTAs are bold, simple, and easy-to-adjust meaning that once you’ve read our advice you can get your team working on new CTAs that are going to be effective on your ecommerce site.

How to Use the File

The downloadable PowerPoint is made up of several different pages of call-to-action buttons and images. Scroll through them and when you see one you think you can leverage, double click on the button. Double clicking will allow you to change the text, button color, and the background image on the more complex calls-to-action.

The calls-to-action we’ve provided are varied to give you a starting point for your optimization. Obviously, if you made these with Adobe you could get more creative. If you have the resources and the software, feel free to use these as templates for more varied buttons. If you have neither the time or the people to entirely remake your CTAs, that’s cool too. The whole point of these being made in PowerPoint is to save you resources and to prove that you don’t need fancy software to start optimizing your CTAs.

As well as simple text and icon buttons there are a variety of more complex buttons designed to help you at every stage of the buyer’s journey. Over 90% of visitors who read your content are going to read your call-to-action, so make sure you adjust these buttons to speak directly to your audience. Here are a few more CTA ecommerce conversion optimization tips to keep in mind when you share this file with your team.



Keep in mind that you can see as much as a 26% increase in click-through-rates (CTR) on your buttons just by adding an arrow icon to your CTAs, and a decrease in CTRs if you use icons people are unfamiliar with.  While arrows aren’t going to work on every button, icons that people are familiar with can go a long way to increasing conversion rates. Similarly, while a shopping cart icon might be very familiar to ecommerce customers a random ÷ may leave visitors to your site questioning why they should click on your button and what exactly you’re offering them.

Conversion Lesson: Avoid the unfamiliar and offer relevant familiar icons on your CTAs (where appropriate).


Whichever button or design you choose, remember that a button means nothing without a relevant landing page. Long landing pages, when done correctly, can increase leads by up to 220% but this isn’t going to work for everyone and the mere existence of a landing page is a step towards improving conversion rates. While you’re building this landing page remember not to include a navigation bar (this can double conversions) and to reduce the amount of information you ask visitors to provide.

Conversion Lesson: Link your CTAs to a dedicated landing page to optimize conversions.


Your team probably already knows a lot about your brand and how best to keep materials in-line with your brand standards. It goes without saying your CTAs should also reflect your brand but try to make sure they’re also eye-catching. Depending on who you talk to, orange and green buttons are high converters when it comes to CTAs but there’s no sense making decisions without data. Encourage your team to what we do and perform a A/B tests with different colors to work out which CTA color most appeals to your audience.

Conversion Lesson: A/B tests are the measure of any good marketing campaign, use them.


Personalized CTAs convert 42% more visitors into leads than un-targeted CTAs, so get cracking on that personalized content!  You probably already know that your audience, and having buyer personas, is an essential part of any inbound marketing campaign because it allows you to do just this – create highly targeted and relevant content for your audiences.

Conversion Lesson: Make sure your CTAs are actually speaking to your ideal customers and alter their language to suit.

Beyond the Basics of Conversion Optimization

Looking for a more in-depth guide to how to make better CTAs and increase your conversions? Take a look at our ultimate guide to the best CTAs for ecommerce.