The Inbound Growth Blog: Inbound Marketing, Sales and Service

Using Growth Driven Design to Improve Medical Websites

Written by David Ward | Jul 01, 2016

So many website owners that we talk to have a long list of changes that they would like to make on their website but the thought of doing a full website redesign with all it’s work, budget requirements, and unknowns, prevents them from taking any action. For this group of website owners, it better to keep the devil you know than to embark in a new clinic website launch that can cost several thousand dollars and still not meet your requirements.

These hesitations are not restricted to clinic website designs and launches, and are felt by webmasters across a wide range of verticals. In clinic website design though, it’s even more of a hesitation because there tends to be reluctance to accepting that simple design changes can actually increase website traffic and improve the quantity and quality of potential clients who call, email, or walk in the door.

This is where Growth Driven Design (GDD) comes in. GDD is a smarter, quicker, and often more cost effective way to launch a new website. “Traditional” website launches are project based and try to get everything done in a 6 month window. Once that new site is up, your project is complete and any new changes that you want will need to wait until you go through the website design exercise again in a few years. Counter to that methodology, Growth Driven Design uses an organic or "agile" approach to web design where you create a "launch pad" website, often a customized template website, so you can get get it up quickly and take advantage of the quick wins that come with it.

How Growth Driven Design Works for Medical Websites

  1. Clearly identify all the necessities of your site. Integrated booking engines, contact forms, interactive maps, live chat, etc. all of these things need to be identified and discussed to ensure they are rolled out in the initial medical website launch
  2. Create a wish-list of ALL of the things you would like your website to do: blog integration, location detection, smart content, etc.
  3. Prioritize the wants/needs for the new site.
  4. Launch the new site (this step can often happen just weeks after the initial consult).
  5. Continue to optimize the site, implementing the remaining items on the wish list. Each implementation will be monitored and measured to ensure that it contributes to the success of the campaign.

Once launched, you start to make incremental changes to the site based on what works and what doesn't, supported by visitor data. Any additional changes that you want to be made to the site are rolled out as needed, then those changes are measured and continued if they are seeing an improvement in visitor KPIs.

Your clinic’s website design needs to reflect your company. Any new accreditations, services, staff members or booking engines should be included on your site right away to help better convert your prospective clients. Having a flexible website allows these changes to be implemented with little to no additional development budget.

Does Growth Driven Design Work?

Yes! One of our first Growth Driven Design clients has just hit the 1-year anniversary of their GDD website launch and we are ecstatic with the results. In the first month after launch their number of leads nearly doubled. Traffic increased 20%, time on site was up and bounce rates were down. Launching this site in only 6 weeks, instead of the traditional 6-month window meant that we were able to take advantage of increased leads 4.5 months faster than we would have with a traditional launch. We have been making tweaks to the site since and have continued to improve performance.

If you want to see how growth driven design can work for your company, contact us today.