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How to Increase Website Traffic Using Social Media - 4 Easy Steps

Written by Eric Steiner | Aug 18, 2016

If you struggle to get new people to your page, consider how effectively you use your social media channels. With a few simple tweaks, you could easily double your traffic and grow your reach without the help of a social media marketing agency.

How to Increase Website Traffic Using Social Media

The main goal of advertising on social media sites is to connect you with your customers and clients. Your social media platforms allow you to speak directly with your audience, see what they are looking for, and present your products and services to them.

A Guide to Analyzing Your Target Market

But you can’t simply post a few links to your page and expect to see a big swarm of traffic; you need to be smart about your posts. This includes what you write in your posts, which platforms you use, and when you post.

Sharing on Social Media will Improve Website Traffic

Getting a consistent stream of traffic to your website all comes down to one idea: sharing your content more than once.

When you post a link to a new blog article or a promotion, you are only going to reach the set of individuals who happen to log on to social media around that time. With how quickly timelines can change, in conjunction with the filtering algorithms social media platforms use, it isn’t uncommon for many of your followers to miss your posts the first time around. Even if they do see the link, they may not be able to click through at that time, and they will most likely forget about it later. Posting a second or third time acts as a friendly reminder.

But what is the proper way to share your post more than once? To avoid annoying your followers, you’ll need to be careful about re-sharing your posts and content.

The Right Way to Share Content Multiple Times

You don’t need to be a social media agency to correctly share your posts more than once. Here are some easy tips on how to properly re-share content in order to get the highest amount of traffic possible:

1. Consider the Platform

Various social media platforms have different standards for how many times you can push the same message. Channels like Twitter give you room to promote the same content more than once a day and even a few days after the content has been published. Other platforms, such as Tumblr and Instagram, don’t really allow for multiple pushes- make those initial posts count. Facebook and Google+ give you the room to push the content multiple times, but you may need to wait a few weeks or a month before you do.

You will want to work your posting schedule into your social media strategy to get the most from your content without annoying your followers. If you have a pretty heavy editorial calendar of posts, you may be able to get away with sneaking the same link in multiple times. If you aren’t posting very frequently, you may want to use the same links less often. Be sure your posts are diverse and push towards several different website components.

2. Craft New Messages

Even if you are using the same links or pushing the same content on your website, you don’t want to use the same message more than once.

You should craft completely different messages every time you share a post. Ask questions, state facts, pull a quote from the article, or find a way to make the post appear completely new. Varying the titles of the content you share may also convince followers to click through who hadn’t connected with your earlier posts.

3. Customize Each Network

Taking the last two points even further, you shouldn’t be posting the exact same message on each channel—again, consider the platform. With Twitter, you are restricted to the number of characters you can fit into your message, while Facebook allows you to create much longer posts. With Google+, you can easily create bulleted lists.

Most, if not all, of these platforms, greatly benefit from some form of visual aid-- images and infographics will certainly catch the eye if the text fails.

4. Use Analytics

Analytics is always useful to see if a campaign is working and helps you see how well your repeated posts are doing.

Evaluating how many clicks your initial post gets compared to the repeated posts can help you understand how many times certain pieces of content need to be shared, depending on the platform. And if there’s a decline in interest or, in rare cases, negative feedback to your content, you can adjust your social media strategy from there.

Analytics can also help you better understand what time of day to share your posts to gain the most attention. Capitalize on those peak traffic hours! Paying attention to your analytics can also help you find which social media pages drive the most traffic to your website.

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Social media channels can help you stay on top of your web marketing game and get your business’ name out there. When you create a strong social media strategy plan, you can double the traffic to your website in no time.