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Streamlining Success: A Step-by-Step Guide On How To Merge Contacts In HubSpot

Written by David Ward | Nov 17, 2023


Ever feel like your HubSpot contact list resembles a wild jungle of duplicates?

After an adventurous journey into researching and testing, we've unraveled the magic behind tidying up your contacts using HubSpot's merge function.

Key Takeaways

  • Merging contacts in HubSpot helps businesses clean up their contact lists and ensure data consistency, leading to more effective marketing campaigns.
  • Other strategies for managing contacts in HubSpot include tagging, using custom fields, segmentation, filter views, data import, regular cleanup, and training.
  • Identifying duplicate contacts is crucial before merging them in HubSpot. Best practices include reconciling inconsistencies and prioritizing data integrity when selecting the primary contact.
  • The step-by-step guide for merging contacts includes selecting the primary contact and initiating the merge process, reviewing and confirming the merge for accuracy.
  • After merging contacts in HubSpot, it's important to update campaigns and workflows to maintain consistency. Managing email subscriptions ensures effective communication with merged contacts.
  • Agencies can provide valuable assistance in managing HubSpot effectively by offering expertise on organizing data and training on best practices for merging contacts.

Understanding Contact Merging in HubSpot

Contact merging in HubSpot is a powerful tool that helps businesses streamline their data and ensure consistency across their CRM system.


Merging contacts in HubSpot offers a lot of great perks. It cleans up your records and gets rid of the extras. This leaves you with clean, easy-to-use data. It ensures all information stays in one place so nothing gets lost or overlooked.

This helps make better decisions based on correct, complete data. Plus, it can save time by cutting down on confusing searches for spread-out information.

Impact on marketing campaigns

Merging contacts in HubSpot helps your marketing campaigns. It gives you a clean list of leads to target. You can see all the interactions each lead had with your brand. You get a clear view of what they like and don't like.

This makes it easier to create targeted messages that hit the mark. Your emails, ads, and promotions become more effective as a result.

Alternative contact management strategies

We want to share some other ways to handle your contacts in HubSpot. These options can also keep your data clean and easy to use.

  1. Tagging: You can use tags to sort and find contacts.
  2. Custom Fields: Create fields that fit your needs. Use them to store unique information.
  3. Segmentation: Divide your contacts into groups based on shared traits.
  4. Filter Views: Set up filters to see only the contacts you need at a certain time.
  5. Data Import: Bring in contact data from other systems with care to avoid duplicates.
  6. Regular Cleanup: Set aside time every few weeks or months to remove old, useless, or duplicate contacts.
  7. Training: Make sure your team knows how best to use HubSpot's contact tools.

Preparing for Contact Merging

Before merging contacts in HubSpot, it is crucial to identify duplicate contacts and follow best practices. Read on to discover how to streamline your contact management process for success.

Identifying duplicate contacts

Duplicate contacts can create confusion and waste valuable time. To effectively streamline your contact database in HubSpot, it's important to identify and merge duplicate contacts. Here are some steps to help you with this process:

  1. Use the HubSpot CRM: Take advantage of HubSpot's built-in CRM to easily identify duplicate contacts. The CRM has smart matching algorithms that recognize potential duplicates based on various data points.
  2. Utilize advanced search filters: Use filters like email address, name, title, or company to narrow down your search and identify potential duplicates more efficiently.
  3. Export contact lists: Export your contact lists from HubSpot and compare them using external tools like Excel or Google Sheets. This can help you spot duplicates that the CRM may have missed.
  4. Review manual entries: If you have manually entered contacts into HubSpot, take extra care to review these entries for any duplicates that may have slipped through the cracks.
  5. Leverage third-party integrations: Consider integrating third-party tools specializing in deduplication with HubSpot. These tools can help automate the process of identifying and merging duplicate contacts.
  6. Regularly audit your database: It's essential to perform regular audits of your contact database to catch any new duplicates that may arise over time.

Best practices

To ensure a successful contact merging process in HubSpot, here are some best practices:

  • Begin by thoroughly reviewing your contact database and identifying duplicate contacts.
  • Take the time to reconcile any inconsistencies in contact information, such as mismatched names or email addresses.
  • Prioritize data integrity and accuracy when selecting the primary contact to merge with duplicates.
  • Utilize HubSpot's automation features to streamline the merging process and save time.
  • Double-check all fields and data before confirming the merge to avoid unintended changes or deletions.
  • Update your marketing campaigns and workflows after merging contacts to maintain consistency and relevancy.
  • Pay attention to managing email subscriptions for merged contacts, ensuring they receive the appropriate communication.
  • Consider partnering with a HubSpot agency for expert assistance in managing your CRM and optimizing contact merging.

Looking to optimize HubSpot for your business? Learn how to improve here

How to Merge Contacts in HubSpot: Step-by-Step Guide

Learn how to merge contacts in HubSpot with our comprehensive step-by-step guide seamlessly. Streamline your contact management process and boost your marketing campaigns for maximum success.

Selecting the primary contact

To merge contacts in HubSpot, the first step is to select the primary contact. The primary contact is the one that you want to keep as the main record after merging. It's important to choose wisely because this contact will retain all the information from other duplicate records.

Consider factors such as completeness of data, engagement history, and accuracy when deciding which contact should be selected as the primary. By selecting the right primary contact, you can ensure that your merged record contains the most up-to-date and relevant information for effective marketing campaigns and streamlined contact management.

Initiating the merge process

To initiate the merge process in HubSpot, follow these simple steps. First, select the primary contact you want to keep as the main record. This is important for maintaining consistency and avoiding confusion in your data.

Next, go to the contacts section of your HubSpot account and search for the duplicate contact you want to merge. Once you find it, click the "Merge" button next to their name.

HubSpot will then guide you through several prompts to review and confirm the merge. It's important to carefully review any information lost during this process, such as notes or deal associations.

Once you're confident with your selections, click "Confirm Merge," and HubSpot will automatically update your records.

Reviewing and confirming the merge

Once you have selected the primary contact and initiated the merge process in HubSpot, it's important to review and confirm the merge. This step ensures that all the information from both contacts is combined accurately.

Take a moment to double-check that no important data is missing or duplicated. Look out for any discrepancies, such as conflicting details or outdated information. By carefully reviewing and confirming the merge, you can ensure the integrity and consistency of your contact records in HubSpot.

Handling Post-Merge Tasks

After merging contacts in HubSpot, it is crucial to update campaigns and workflows to ensure consistency and accuracy across all marketing efforts. Additionally, managing email subscriptions should be a priority to maintain effective communication with customers.

Updating campaigns and workflow

To update your campaigns and workflow after merging contacts in HubSpot, follow these steps:

  1. Review and identify the campaigns and workflows affected by the merged contacts.
  2. Update the contact lists or segments used in these campaigns and workflows to reflect the merged contacts.
  3. Adjust any personalization or conditional logic within the campaigns and workflows to account for changes in contact information.
  4. Test the updated campaigns and workflows to ensure they are functioning correctly.
  5. Monitor the performance of these campaigns and workflows to make any necessary adjustments or optimizations.

Managing email subscriptions

When merging contacts in HubSpot, it's important also to manage their email subscriptions. This ensures that the merged contact receives the right emails and avoids confusion. To do this, you can review the email preferences of each contact before merging them.

Once merged, update their subscription settings in HubSpot to reflect their new preferences. By managing email subscriptions after merging contacts, you can maintain good communication with your audience and ensure they receive relevant content moving forward.

Understanding HubSpot Management with the Help of Agencies

HubSpot management can sometimes be overwhelming, especially for businesses new to the platform. That's where agencies come in. They can provide valuable assistance and expertise in managing HubSpot effectively.

Agencies have deep knowledge of the platform and its features, which allows them to help businesses optimize their use of HubSpot.

With the help of agencies, companies can ensure that their data is organized and clean, eliminating any duplicate contacts or inconsistencies. This helps maintain the integrity of the CRM system and ensures accurate reporting and analysis.

Agencies also play a crucial role in training businesses to make the most out of HubSpot's contact management capabilities. They can guide organizations through best practices for merging contacts, custom object merging, company/deal/ticket merges, and more.

Additionally, agencies offer ongoing support and guidance when tailoring HubSpot to meet specific business needs. Whether automating processes or customizing fields and workflows, agencies help streamline operations and enhance efficiency within HubSpot.

Overall, partnering with an agency brings extensive benefits when understanding and managing HubSpot effectively. From data cleanup to customization options, agencies provide invaluable expertise that drives success on this powerful CRM platform without adding unnecessary stress or burden on internal teams.

Potential Challenges and Solutions

One potential challenge with contact merging is the concern of data loss. However, HubSpot provides a comprehensive backup system and allows users to undo merges if necessary. Additionally, there may be limits to the number of contacts that can be merged simultaneously, but this can be overcome by breaking down larger merges into smaller batches.

Data loss concerns

During the contact merging process in HubSpot, one important concern that may arise is the potential for data loss. This means there is a risk of losing valuable information when combining duplicate contacts.

However, this risk can be minimized with careful precautions and following best practices. It is crucial to review and confirm the merge before finalizing it to ensure that all necessary data is preserved.

By regularly backing up your data and having a reliable backup system in place, you can further mitigate any potential concerns about data loss during contact merging in HubSpot.

Undoing a merge

If you make a mistake while merging Contacts in HubSpot, don't worry! You can undo the merge. Here's how:

  1. Go to the contact record that was created after the merge.
  2. Look for the "History" tab at the top of the contact record.
  3. Click on the "View all updates" link.
  4. In the list of updates, find the one that says "Merging [Contact Name]" and click on it.
  5. On the right-hand side of the screen, you'll see an option to "Undo Merge." Click on it.
  6. Confirm that you want to undo the merge by clicking "Yes."

Limits to the number of contacts that can be merged

There are limits to the number of contacts that can be merged in HubSpot. While the platform allows for contact merging, it's important to remember that there is a maximum limit to how many contacts can be merged at once.

This limit helps ensure the stability and performance of your CRM system. So, when merging contacts, make sure you're aware of this limitation and plan accordingly. It's always a good idea to merge contacts in smaller batches rather than trying to merge a large number simultaneously.

By doing so, you'll avoid any potential issues and ensure a smooth merging process overall.

HubSpot's Contact Management Capabilities

Discover how HubSpot's advanced contact management capabilities, including custom object merging and company, deal, and ticket merges, can help you streamline your CRM and maintain data integrity.

Read more to unlock the full potential of HubSpot in managing your contacts effectively.

Custom object merging

During the contact merging process in HubSpot, you also have the option to merge custom objects. This is especially useful if you have additional data and fields associated with your contacts that you want to consolidate.

By merging custom objects, such as company details or ticket history, you can ensure that all relevant information is combined into one cohesive record. This simplifies your contact management and improves the integrity of your data.

With HubSpot's customizable CRM capabilities, you can tailor the merging experience according to your specific needs and preferences.

Company, deal, and ticket merges

Merging contacts in HubSpot not only applies to individual contacts but also extends to other important records in your CRM system. Here are some key points to consider when it comes to merging company, deal, and ticket records:

  • Company merges: Consolidate duplicate company records into a single unified profile. This helps ensure accurate and up-to-date information for all associated contacts within that company.
  • Deal merges: Combine multiple deal records related to the same opportunity into a single entry. This streamlines your sales pipeline management and provides a clearer view of overall deal progress.
  • Ticket merges: Merge duplicate support tickets into one, maintaining a comprehensive history of customer inquiries and issue resolution. This allows for better tracking and analysis of customer needs.

CRM Customization and Tailoring the Experience

Now let's talk about CRM customization and how to tailor the experience in HubSpot to fit your needs. One of the great things about HubSpot is its flexibility in customizing your CRM.

You can personalize fields, layouts, and workflows to align with your unique business processes. This allows you to capture the specific information that matters most to your organization and helps ensure data consistency.

With CRM customization, you can create a personalized experience for your team members and customers. You can set up custom views that display relevant information at a glance, making it easier for your sales reps or customer service agents to find what they need quickly.

By tailoring the interface and workflows to match your preferred way of working, you can improve efficiency and ensure everyone is on the same page.

Additionally, through CRM customization in HubSpot, you can also integrate other tools or platforms that are vital to your business operations. This enables seamless data flow between systems and eliminates manual workarounds or duplicate entry errors.

In conclusion, by taking advantage of CRM customization features in HubSpot, you can optimize your workflow, enhance collaboration within teams, and deliver a more tailored experience for employees and customers.


In conclusion, merging contacts in HubSpot is a powerful way to streamline success. By eliminating duplicate records and maintaining data consistency, businesses can improve their marketing campaigns and overall efficiency.

Following the step-by-step guide provided, along with best practices for post-merge tasks, companies can ensure data integrity and enjoy the benefits of contact merging in HubSpot.

Click here to learn more about HubSpot marketing.


1. How do I merge duplicate contacts in HubSpot, and why is it important?

  • Merging Contacts in HubSpot:

    • Access the Contacts Dashboard: In your HubSpot account, navigate to the "Contacts" dashboard.
    • Identify Duplicate Contacts: Use HubSpot's search or filters to identify duplicate contacts with similar or identical information.
    • Select and Merge: Choose the contacts you want to merge, click "Actions," and select "Merge." Follow the prompts to complete the merging process.
  • Importance:

    • Merging contacts is crucial for maintaining a clean and accurate CRM database.
    • It helps prevent communication errors and ensures your team has a consolidated view of interactions with each contact.
    • Improves overall data quality and enhances the effectiveness of marketing, sales, and customer service efforts.

2. Can I undo a contact merge in HubSpot if needed?

Yes, HubSpot provides a safeguard by allowing you to undo a contact merge within a specific timeframe. After merging contacts, you'll see an option to "Undo" on the success confirmation screen. Clicking this option will revert the merge, restoring the original contacts to their pre-merge state. However, this option is time-sensitive, and you must act promptly to undo the merge.

3. What happens to the associated data when I merge contacts in HubSpot?

When you merge contacts in HubSpot, the platform consolidates data from the duplicate contacts into a single primary contact record. Here's what happens to associated data:

  • Properties: Data from both contacts is merged, with conflicting information resolved based on certain rules.
  • Engagements: All engagements (emails, calls, etc.) associated with the duplicate contacts are combined into the primary contact's record.
  • Deals and Tickets: These records are also merged if the contacts have associated deals or tickets.

4. Are there any considerations or best practices for merging contacts in HubSpot?

When merging contacts in HubSpot, it's essential to keep the following considerations in mind:

  • Review Data Carefully: Before merging, review the data of the duplicate contacts to ensure accurate consolidation.
  • Choose the Primary Contact: Designate the contact to serve as the primary record. This is the contact that retains the merged data.
  • Communicate Changes: If the contacts are associated with sales or customer service teams, communicate the merging process to ensure everyone knows the consolidated information.
  • Regularly Audit Contacts: Conduct regular audits to identify and merge duplicate contacts, maintaining the integrity of your CRM data.

By following these best practices, businesses can keep their HubSpot CRM clean and ensure that their teams are working with accurate and up-to-date information.