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9 Secret Tricks of Prospecting Emails That Convert to Sales

How do you ensure that your prospecting emails get read and, better yet - get a response? Here are 9 email prospecting tips to give you a competitive edge.

Eric Melillo
By Eric Melillo   |  

 Oct 24, 2019

9 Secret Tricks of Prospecting Emails That Convert to Sales

If you send prospecting emails as part of your sales strategy, you may find yourself on both sides of the coin.

What is a Prospecting Email?

A prospecting email is a type of sales outreach sent to a prospect to create a connection that leads to customer acquisition.

So, how do you ensure that your prospecting emails get read and, better yet—get a response?

Here are 9 email tips to help you convert your prospecting emails into connections and sales.

How to Write a Prospecting Email

Prospecting via email takes careful planning with a clear objective.

On the one hand, you need to give a reason to open the email, then provide value upon reading- not too long so you don't lose attention- and a call to action - the next step. Let's put all this together.

1. Prospecting Email Subject Line

While it’s tempting to go for “shock factor” or humor in your opening line, don’t do it. It’s a transparent tactic, and prospects will pick up on it immediately. It's also the quickest way for your email to get sent straight to the trash or junk folder.

Instead, craft a strong subject line that conveys the value of your email message. Be honest and be brief.

2. Put Your Best Foot Forward

Most prospecting emails display the subject line and one or two sentences of text. Make sure your first two sentences are compelling and valuable and will make the recipient want to click inside your email to hear more.

Don’t bury your best content deeper in the email by opening with pleasantries or unrelated conversational text. Go out with a bang at the beginning of your message and watch your click rates skyrocket.

You only have a few moments to grab a prospect's attention. Create something visually interesting.

3. Stay Short & Sweet

If you can’t convey your message in a few short sentences, you need to rethink your message. Attention spans are short - especially with prospecting emails.

Get straight to the point and ensure that your message will be read, understood, and replied to in a minute or less. The best sales emails get straight to the point and stay there.

4. Make it Personal

Don’t just use the standard "Hello" or "To Whom It May Concern." Take time to use the recipient’s name (spelled correctly). It could be the difference between catching their attention for the split second you need to draw them in or getting thrown out.

Email personalization can be done manually but is better left to a CRM tool. CRMs can help you be more effective in your email outreach.

5. Do your Due Diligence

Driving the idea of personalization a step further, take a moment to scan LinkedIn for a tidbit of personal or relevant information about your prospect or business. It will create a valuable connection between you and the prospect.

They will take note you went the extra mile to understand their background or business needs and will be more likely to connect.

6. Make it Conversational

Don’t write as if you’re drafting Shakespeare. Save the flowery language and “my dear sirs” for a more formal occasion. Write like yourself.

Be conversational and open. Make sure you haven’t committed any egregious grammar and spelling errors, but don’t overthink the editing process to where your content seems fake or forced.

Don't end up in the trash! Craft a genuine note that won't get overlooked.

7. Send Something of Value

Don’t send a prospecting email just to send one. Before sending any prospecting email, ensure you have a point and a strong call to action.

Offer a free ebook or a discount on your product or services. Tell your reader about a new offering or business location. Make the content count.

Follow Up Email that Gets a Response from Busy People

8. Know the End Goal

Simply put, your goal is to get a reply - an acknowledgment that your recipient heard your message and would like to act on it. Or possibly your goal is for another action like a demo or webinar signup, watch a video, etc.

It may take a few emails to get there, but if you tailor your message and make adjustments to your strategy, you’ll get results.

9. Leave Them Wanting More

Always close in a way that draws your reader in. A great way to do this is by asking a question.

Readers subconsciously feel the urge to answer questions when they're asked - it’s human nature. Couple a question with a strong call to action, and you’ll increase the likelihood of a response.

Offering a discount or something for free is a bit old school and could trip a SPAM sensor, but it can still have value if done tactfully.

Over to you

Email prospecting can be challenging, but if you develop a strategy, know your audience, and stay true to what works, you can quickly convert what would have been an unanswered email into a connection and a sale.

Eric Melillo

Eric Melillo

An expert Growth Hacker helping enterprise companies scale and crush competitors using the full Inbound Flywheel & HubSpot.

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